Diablo lords of hell
Diablo lords of hell

diablo lords of hell

In his last words, Diablo mocked the Angiris Council for its supposed unity. An enraged Imperius however, declared that demonkind could only be dealt with through blood, and slew the Lord of Terror. Auriel and Tyrael suggested capturing him, for if slain, Diablo would return in time. It was at this point that the other Angiris Council members arrived, imprisoning the Lord of Terror. Imperius responded that he feared nothing and continued fighting. They fought each other to a standstill as Diablo commented of Imperius's rage, and wondered aloud if his enemy feared of how the angels saw him of what he truly was. On one such battlefield, Diablo battled Imperius. Perhaps you fear them seeing you for what you truly are." The attack was halted as the forces of Hell battled each other, allowing the angels to drive them back. Just when it seemed the Prime Evils would win the Great Conflict, Diablo turned on his fellow Evils, determined to be the sole ruler of both Heaven and Hell. However, the Prime Evils rarely worked together, an exception being the Fifth Battle of the Diamond Gates. His domain in the Burning Hells was the Realm of Terror.Īs with all demons, Diablo partook in the Eternal Conflict.

diablo lords of hell diablo lords of hell

Though he had easily possessed and corrupted many humans, Diablo's essence was finally trapped in a soulstone and banished to the unfathomable Abyss twenty years ago."Īs with all the Great Evils, Diablo spawned from one of the seven heads of Tathamet. "Diablo was the youngest of the Prime Evils, but I found him the most dangerous, for his power over terror left him incapable of feeling fear. "Is it possible to conquer our fears? I hope so, though I also believe that Terror can never truly die."Īl'Diabalos, the Lord of Terror, known more commonly as Diablo, is the youngest of the three Prime Evils as well as the main antagonist and titular character of the Diablo game series, being its namesake. Leah (daughter), Lucion (nephew), Lilith (niece) History: lives alone and does not talk to anyone and is mostly left alone by pretty much everyone in Kuoh Academyĭialon, Spirit of Determination (Triune persona)

Diablo lords of hell